In case of inclement weather and resulting closures, Fr. John and our audiovisual technician will livestream the 9:30am Mass from the closed church. If the weather shuts us down, please do not come to church. Stay home and stay safe.
6:30 pm (St. Paul’s site with Fr. Joe Schuck)
6:30 pm (St. Francis site with Fr. John)
Lent at Divine Mercy Parish
Way of the Cross
Fridays throughout Lent:
Feb 16, 23, Mar 1, 8, 15, & 22 at our St. Paul’s site
5:45 pm: Join Fr. John for a hot bowl of soup
6:30 pm: Stations of the Cross begin in the church.
Lenten Penance Service:
Wednesday March 13 at 6:30pm
Open for Private Prayer:
Divine Mercy Parish is open daily at both our sites throughout Lent for private Stations of the Cross and other devotions.