340A Newfoundland Drive, St. John’s, NL A1A 3R9
Fr. John Sullivan, S.J.
We’re so glad you found us. At Divine Mercy we are bringing together a community with rich histories, colourful customs, and a vibrant spirit in our worship.
We are growing into a community that strives to be faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a church that is a place of joy and welcome.
Divine Mercy Parish is cared for by the Jesuit Fathers. Guided by the spirituality of the founder of the Jesuits, St. Ignatius Loyola, we strive to be a community that finds “God in all things” and desires to respond to His mercy in the fullest, most authentic way, always asking “what more can I be and do?” With an emphasis on generosity, hospitality, and mission, everything we do is meant for the “greater glory of God.”
The message of The Divine Mercy is simple – God loves us – all of us! And He wants us to know that His mercy is greater than our sins. We can trust in Him. With confidence we can receive his mercy and let it flow through us to others.
As a parish we seek to be instruments of God’s mercy and grace through sacrament, prayer, evangelization, catechesis and service. We do this humbly, faithfully, learning along the way and placing our trust in the Lord. We do this so that all may come to share in the joy of Christ.
Since it’s beginning as a Parish, almost two years ago, Divine Mercy has operated two sites: St. Paul’s Church on Newfoundland Dr and St. Francis of Assisi Church in Outer Cove. There will be a Town Hall meeting regarding the experience of having two sites and considerations for the future of the parish. The town hall will take place on Tuesday, January 21 at St. Francis of Assisi at 7pm. All are welcome to attend.
Welcome! Whether you are visiting or planting roots; on your own or with family; newly arrived in the city or have been here for generations, we pray that you will grow in your love of Christ and of sense of belonging with us as God’s people. If you have no church of your own, we invite you to make Divine Mercy your home. Above all, we invite you to come and worship with us at any time.
Sunday Mass:
Saturday 4:00pm St Paul’s
Sunday 9:00am St Paul’s
Sunday 11:00am St Paul’s
Sunday 4:00pm St. Francis of Assisi
Daily Mass:
Monday to Friday 9:30am
Daily Masses take place at our St. Paul’s Site
Hours of Operation:
8:30am – 3:30pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays: 8:30 to 9:15 am
Saturdays 3-3:45pm
By appointment:
Please call 709-726-9924 or email info@divinemercynl.com
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:
Join us for Adoration and Benediction every Tuesday, 2:00 to 3:30 pm in the church. Prayer will include the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Sacrament of the Sick & Home Visits:
Do you know someone in hospital or who is, perhaps, homebound with health concerns? Arrange a visit with Fr. John for the Sacrament of the Sick or to receive Holy Communion. Call the Parish Office at 709-726-9924